Documentary Filming
Service Description
If you have a compelling story to tell, our documentary filming services are here to bring it to life. Our skilled videographers excel at capturing real-life narratives, conducting interviews, and crafting engaging documentaries. Whether you're working on a personal project or a social cause, we'll work closely with you to ensure your vision is realized and your message resonates with viewers. Pricing: Starting at $5,000
Cancellation Policy
We understand that circumstances may arise that require the cancellation or rescheduling of services. To protect both parties, please review our cancellation policy below: Cancellation by the Client: a. If the client wishes to cancel or reschedule a service, a minimum notice of 4 days prior to the scheduled service date is required. b. If the client provides the minimum notice, a full refund or rescheduling of the service will be offered. c. If the client fails to provide the minimum notice, a cancellation fee of 25% of the total service cost will be charged. Cancellation by the Company: a. In the unlikely event that the company needs to cancel or reschedule a service, reasonable efforts will be made to provide advance notice to the client. b. In such cases, the client will have the option to receive a full refund or reschedule the service at no additional cost. By booking our services, you agree to comply with and abide by this cancellation policy. We recommend contacting us as soon as possible in case of any cancellations or rescheduling requests to ensure a smooth process and to avoid any unnecessary fees. Please note that the specific cancellation policy terms and percentages can be customized to align with your business needs.